The Balancing Act of Bond Underwriting Fees

The Balancing Act of Bond Underwriting Fees

Bond underwriters serve an important role in municipal bond transactions. An underwriter markets an issuer’s bonds, purchases them from the issuer and resells them to investors. Any unsold bonds are generally underwritten, meaning that the underwriter utilizes their own capital to purchase the balances and takes the risk of interest rate fluctuations.

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What Is a California Education General Obligation Bond?

What Is a California Education General Obligation Bond?

California school and community college districts frequently issue general obligation bonds (“GO Bonds”) to finance their large capital projects such as construction, modernization, renovation or equipping of educational facilities. GO Bonds must be approved by voters within district boundaries. Voters approve the total amount of bonds that can be issued (the authorization amount) and what the funds can be spent on (the project list). 

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