Keygent Advises on Menlo Park City School District Bond Refunding

Keygent Advises on Menlo Park City School District Bond Refunding

Keygent was recently mentioned by The Almanac in its article titled, “Menlo Park school district bond refinancing saves $3.7 million.”  Keygent served as financial advisor to Menlo Park City School District (the “District”) on its school bond refunding, which will save the District’s taxpayers over $3.7 million in the form of lower property tax bills.

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Keygent Advises on $160 Million Beverly Hills Unified School District Bonds

Keygent Advises on $160 Million Beverly Hills Unified School District Bonds

Keygent Vice President, Chris Hiatt, was recently quoted in an article by the Beverly Hills Courier titled “BHUSD Sells $160 Million in Measure BH Bonds.”  Keygent advised Beverly Hills Unified School District (the “District”) on its first general obligation bond financing from its Measure BH authorization approved by District voters on June 5, 2018.

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The Municipal Bond Market Post Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The Municipal Bond Market Post Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Many municipalities had utilized tax-exempt advanced refundings for debt service savings through interest cost reductions and debt restructuring. The loss of this valuable tool is a blow to the many agencies who acted as good stewards of their limited repayment resources. The beneficiaries of these savings ranged from taxpayers to operating budgets to obligors of the debt. While districts may still advance refund bonds, they now have to do so with taxable bonds, and taxable bonds are more expensive than tax-exempt bonds.

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The Importance of Tax-Exempt Advanced Refundings to Municipalities

The Importance of Tax-Exempt Advanced Refundings to Municipalities

There is currently a tax bill moving through the branches of the Federal government, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which may change the individual tax brackets, tax credits, corporate tax rates, and the estate tax, among many other things. What is less discussed is a provision of the tax bill which may have significant reverberations in the municipal bond community: the removal of tax-exempt advanced refundings.

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